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Old 12-03-2016, 02:16 AM   #1 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Van instead of SUV?

Am I the only one here who would prefer a van over an SUV? Comparing vehicles with a similar size and nearly the same driveline, a van would often provide a more usable space, which makes more sense from an utility standpoint, and eventually can even get a better fuel economy.

Going a little further, there are those typical Japanese vans that are usually shorter and narrower than a compact pick-up truck or SUV while still providing more useful space than the SUV and a fully enclosed rear area. Sure it wouldn't be suitable for someone who actually needs 5th-wheel towing capability, but they would be a good option for an average "working-class hero" and the soccer-moms.

workaround ideas to discuss among friends: Why do I prefer a van over an SUV with a similar powertrain?

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