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Old 12-07-2016, 02:11 AM   #80 (permalink)
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Up until the hydrogen, everything made sense.

Originally Posted by seifrob View Post
Thats what confuses me. Why not make first diesel electric hybrid, than CNG electric hybrid, than hydrogen electric? Diesel and CNG pumpstation network is readily available.
Never mind.
You are absolutely right in sketching out the logical plan of designing an advanced Electric Class 8 truck but using an advanced diesel as the first range extending engine. The Achates opposed piston engine, mentioned in another thread, designed by a local firm, would be ideal. Compact and powerful and cleaner running than standard diesels, it would get the company on the map and moving.

The next step would be to leverage the improved Solid Oxide Fuel Cells running on CNG. In a few years, this would have been a good transition range extender.

Both fuels are plentiful and well understood.

Hydrogen, in it's current form, will not be economically viable unless you pull an Apple Corporation and force this "proprietary fuel" on your customer base. This is what NMC is doing. It is a perilous move. We can see it, but for some reason, the leadership of NMC cannot. Unless, they know something we don't.
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