The Time I got T-Boned while in my friends escort our car got turned 90 degrees and into a yard. We got hit in a large dent that was already in the side of the car when he bought it and nothing but a bent strut and slight dent at the fender was made, and in the other car (ford Taurus wagon) only got paint on our car (front bumper got dented in and popped back out with only some minor deformation). they were going about 25 when they hit us, and we were going 20 when we got t-boned. I think that hitting a wall and hitting another vehicle with crumple zones is different. your vehicle takes almost all the blow from a wall crash, but if it hits another vehicle some of the energy is taken into your car, the rest into moving theirs in a direction not intended by the other driver. I think that crash tests into a wall look worse than if you actually hit a non-moving vehicle at that speed. Car door is much more forgiving than a concrete wall.