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Old 12-09-2016, 09:47 AM   #280 (permalink)
Isaac Zackary
Full sized hybrid.
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Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: Colorado
Posts: 602

Suzy - '13 Toyota Avalon Hybrid XLE
90 day: 37.18 mpg (US)
Thanks: 369
Thanked 108 Times in 84 Posts
I've always wanted to install hydraulic or air bag suspension on a car so I could get the best of both worlds. But I'm afraid we get to much snow here to simply lower the car. In fact I just woke up to several inches. In most cars the ride height is already a bit iffy, that is, it's easy to get hung up on the snow. And there are still several dirt roads that wouldn't be good for driving over in a lowered car.

But if I could find some sort of hydraulic or pneumatic suspension kit for the Leaf...

I also keep throwing around the electric trailer idea. Once I get off the initial financial shock of buying this car I think I'll put out a few bids on some wrecked Leaves and see what I can get.

There is a company down in Arizona that will install a whole new extra Leaf battery in the trunk for $6,500. I don't know if that includes suspension modifications for the added weight. But I'd try to do it myself, on an aero trailer, if I can get a Leaf battery for $2,000 or less.
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