What gets to me most about rigs like this is the sheer weight just to support a couple of people. Sure, folks ought to buy or modify what they want -- that isn't the question -- but rather from the perspective of design. Lighter means less fuel. Short of commercial reasons it's hard to justify
That said, my favorite RV bus is on DoItYourSelfRV in a post entitled, "Can't Miss Open and Airy Converted School Bus" An engrossing video.
Second is the maintenance and repair costs. Nothing is inexpensive. From the towing bill to the hourly labor to the parts. Why I asked if there are commercial considerations. None of my business WHAT they are, just that --if so -- they must be able to pay for the thing.
Offsetting fuel cost a minor amount won't do it.
The beauty of some aero will be better handling. Fewer steering corrections. The long term average MPG should benefit, but one has to run a lot of miles for that to pay.
The box cavity thread, post #8, is where I'd start. A neighbor of aerohead. Also on pickup wing thread in an October post.
Look forward to any pics you may care to post.
Last edited by slowmover; 12-09-2016 at 04:50 PM..