Thread: Hi, I'm Scott.
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Old 12-09-2016, 08:48 PM   #1 (permalink)
ScanGauge <3
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Hi, I'm Scott.

Hey folks, this may be a circuitous intro, but bear with me.

These days, I tend to think of myself more as a commuting cyclist, but winter always finds me driving more to get to work and other places. And thus, I find myself thinking about *how* I drive...

I'm on track to put about 4,000 miles on my car this year, which I consider to be an improvement over the 12,000+ I did for many years before (re)discovering the bike. That car, by the way, is a 1996 Subaru Outback. When I picked it out in 2007, I wanted something with AWD and ground clearance for snow, a manual transmission, and a reliable engine (EJ22). I'm pleased to say that while some of the accessories no longer work, it's still a solid car.

I got the hypermiling bug in January 2014 when I calculated my mileage for the most recent fill-up and was appalled to have gotten 17.9 MPG! I think that was also around the time I discovered Mr Money Mustache, so it didn't take long to find his column on hypermiling. Before long, I was putting more air in my tires, coasting to intersections, and experimenting with grille blocks. After the subsequent tank, I never got below 20 MPG again, and have averaged 25.9 this year.

So that's probably plenty for now. You likely won't hear much from me once Spring rolls around and I'm on my bike again, but after getting so much good from this site, I finally decided to join.

- Scott

Last edited by ThermionicScott; 12-09-2016 at 08:53 PM..
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