It's a 4 stroke and I'm at sea level. Went to the local scooter shop to enquire about carb tuning and why im getting such poor FE. He said I'm not getting much worse than he is. They just lack that refinement of the Honda or more known brands. He gave me some tips mostly to stop flooring it.
I do lots of lane splitting in town and when the light turned green i always tried from a safety point of view to excellerate hard to merge into a traffic lane before the other cars catch up. Stopped doing that now and added a vacuum gauge.
Filled up today and got my best so far of 3.9l per 100km. But still far off what i was expecting. Lucky these Chinese scooters in this country have flooded the market so parts are easy to get.
Picture below of it. Used an old helmet visor as bit of a windscreen to deflecte some air a bit better around me. Flaps beneath the handlebars line up perfectly with the front body piece to form a solid barrier. This was to keep my legs dry when it rains as only my bike jacket is waterproof. The air use to funnel through there and wet my knees and crotch
Last edited by Eddie25; 12-14-2016 at 03:14 PM..