Originally Posted by solarguy
An interesting idea that crops up every so often. The brits had this fantastic sounding 3 cylinder, 6 piston, 2 stroke diesel engine locomotive, with a bunch of turbos. It sounds fantastic.
Pollution was problematic, so they went away.
Here's a model that illustrates how it works:
Here's a video that really captures the sound of the Napier Deltic engine:
Sometimes known as the whistler engine.
IIRC there are still some Royal Navy vessels fitted with Napier Deltic engines. The main disadvantage in those older 2-stroke opposed-piston Diesel engines had been the particulate matter emissions much like any other 2-stroke Diesel with a more conventional design such as the Detroit and EMD ones, while other emissions such as NOx could be actually lower like in the Rootes TS3 engine used in some Commer trucks and buses. Nowadays with a higher cetane rating of the fuel and more accurate injection controls available, this issue might be easier to overcome.