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Old 12-17-2016, 02:27 PM   #1 (permalink)
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MPGuino VSS Pulses/Mile confusion

Hi there,

I've built an MPGunio and hooked it up to my ancient C-class (vss only for now - I have another thread about the injectors). I'm running "v.1.93tav" version.

It seems to be working (0mph when stopped - some MPH when going) but there are two issues:

(1) It is way off at the stock VSS/mile setting. the MPGuino says 120mph at an indicated 20mph.

(2) It seems to bounce around all over the place (showing 120mph at 20 mostly, but sometimes less (60 or 80mph at a "speedo" 40) - I assume this is the delay setting and have changed it to 0.

It's (1) that I'm having issue with the most. The setup chart for a "group" vehicle of the era (I'm guessign they all used the same ABS sensor) says 160000 for an E-class - My own maths say 166770 is the sweet-spot.

The problem is that the arduino won't save those values. Something goes wrong and it reverts to like 4000. Does the pulses for mile value have some kind of limit? It seems fine if I use a smaller (5 figure) value.

Anyone knoww what's going on?


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