Thread: 70mpg @ -13F
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Old 12-19-2016, 02:33 PM   #11 (permalink)
1995 Previa LE S/C Driver
Join Date: Dec 2009
Location: Stillwater, America
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Originally Posted by Ecky View Post
I have a smart power strip which I used as a timer until I moved most recently, but my internet service is so unreliable that there hasn't been a single morning that it's still connected when I got up, and it's not quite smart enough to resync itself.
Bummer. And no firmware updates available for it, or some sort of "offline mode"?

For the heater, I picked up a 3-setting cheapo from Walmart and ran a power cord through the firewall, to provide an outlet in the hatch area without needing to run a second cord to the car. I use it for my grid charger too, sometimes.
It makes me a bit nervous thinking about drilling through the firewall or trying to push a good-size power cord alongside something else going through the firewall, but it does make the installation a lot cleaner.

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