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Old 12-22-2016, 03:11 PM   #152 (permalink)
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Exclamation Wires!

Holy gazillion electrical connections to make, Batman!

Was going to install the Kelly mini motor controller (was Mechman's) for field control, but it wasn't set up how I needed/expected...and low and behold, after screwing around for an hour to get the serial-to-usb cable working, the controller appears to need an adapter to communicate with it. My other Kelly controller (not part of this project) communicated fine. At least I verified that the little bugger worked at last. Wires, clips, and more wires to do that.

So I set about - and eventually finished - installing the LED panels for the brake lights and interior light. Not sure I'm content with how yellow the interior light is. But they're in and work; job done.

The wires come in while the glue way setting. Figured I should get around to properly installing the LiFePO4 auxiliary battery. This meant hooking up the BMS fully, not just for charging, and "waterproofing" it while I was at it. Wires, solder, wires. Which also mean putting a quick connect plug for my charger on it...and one on the charger too! Wires, solder, wires.

Oh and wiring together a flyback diode for the field more trying to weld battery terminals when disconnecting it.

While it is important to do it all right and not just slap it together any old way, it sure gets old after a while...

Last edited by Stubby79; 12-22-2016 at 04:43 PM..
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