Hi there -
I've done some road testing of the latest code. MPH now displays well, thank you, but I can confirm three bugs.
One is probably eeprom write related. The other two relate to display (rather than calculation) of MPG:
(1) the system clock does not retain the changed time;
(2) in instrument view, when travelling (i.e. above 0mph) running at 0% injector duty cycle (EoffC or DFCO) mpg is displayed as 000 rather than ---; and
(3) in "large" instant MPG display (my favourite mode) in EoC or DFCO conditions MPG is displayed as 0.49mpg rather than ---mpg.
When conditions are right for bugs (2) and (3), I.e. EoC or DFCO, the calculation of MPG appears unaffected as ,despite showing 000mpg or 0.49mpg on the instrument or instant displays, the "Current" mpg figure increases as expected.
I've had a passenger film the MPGuino, and can upload examples of these to YouTube if that assists the above descriptions.
Will you recoup money spent on mods in fuel saved? see my spreadsheets here