Ha! Thanks Xist. Not really interested in one on this car... My Insight, on the other hand.
I pulled off the crossbars. After looking at them, they did a GREAT job designing them! I bet if I disassembled it and put them against the aero template we all know and love on here, they'd be a very close, if not perfect, match!
I got the block heater in yesterday. Funny story: I got it all jacked up, ready to drain coolant. I then said "Hey, I should read the directions real fast" and it said "You need a 27mm socket". A scan of my inventory shows I had no such socket. Xmas eve, 4:45. I put it back down on the ground and hauled over to some of the local stores. Luckily, my 2nd stop yielded me a nice deep 27mm socket for around $5! It was pretty simple to install after that.
I'll get more pics and probably a temp graph soon!