Originally Posted by sallen
Thanks again - Settings work like a charm - have input the VSS and mL/min and hope it will be good to go for my next drive.
One final Q the main MPGuino thread says your version "supports both metric and imperial units" - I might be thinking my instant is off because it's giveing me (higher than I expect) US MPG, when I'm used to UK mpg.
I looked through the code (I'm no arduino expert) and didn't see anything to define or chose between US and UK mpg. Is there a figure I can change to the size of a UK gallon, to get UK MPG?
Yah, that was somewhat inaccurately stated in the MPGuino wiki page, although I just added support for Imperial gallons instead of US gallons.
For your purposes, go to around line 2460 in the code, and change this:
,3785411784ul // numerator to convert gallons to liters
,1000000000ul // denominator to convert gallons to liters
to this:
,454609ul // numerator to convert Imperial gallons to liters
,100000ul // denominator to convert Imperial gallons to liters