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Old 01-02-2017, 08:56 AM   #29 (permalink)
pete c
Master EcoModder
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Which Toyhouse do you own? I have had A Sunrader and an Odyssey. And I just bought another Sunrader. I believe the Sunrader is likely the most aero one out there other than the teeny tiny Mirage. Those things are cool. There is one out there that may be more aero, the Nova Star. There is one out in AZ for sale that I was damn tempted to fly across the country to buy. It is a 22RE that recently had a 5 speed conversion. I talked to the guy and he claims it was good for 24 mpg if driven 45-50. I think he is likely full of $hit, but then this is the only 22RE 5 speed I have ever heard of.
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