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Old 01-02-2017, 01:21 PM   #28 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by sallen View Post
Just noticed in the new code that there is a define for imperial - will give that a go.


Got it all set up using: a self-input microsec/USgal figure; and the useImperialGallon true defined.

Nice work on the code - No more crashes and it's giving the kind of figures I'd expect from a fuel guzzling german saloon.

I'll run a few tanks through it and calibrate accordingly, then add my vehicle details to the Ecomodder table.
If you could, would you provide me the figures you used to arrive at your usec/gallon value? And could you also go to the current data and tank data screens and take pictures of those values? This will help me in troubleshooting.
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