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Old 01-05-2017, 06:17 PM   #32 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by sallen View Post
Another observation I had that may help is that (on a short run at least) current is capable of some level of accuracy.

I drove to the supermarket earlier and Current (large digits) said less than 0 mpg (0.4 or something), however, on the way back I arrived home with it showing 28mpg which is pretty realistic.
Yah, I was wrong in my initial analysis of why CURR and TANK trip fuel economy displays were off. Turns out that I introduced an overflow bug in the fuel economy calculation, in my quest to save 8 bytes of RAM. It's been fixed, of course, and I have also more fully integrated Imperial gallon functionality into the code. Unfortunately, there will be no way to switch on-the-fly between US gallons and Imperial gallons.

I also made that microseconds/gallon parameter a fixed (non-convertable) parameter. For anyone running my code, whether they select US or Imperial gallons, or if they run in metric mode, that microseconds/gallon figure will stay in units of microseconds per US gallon. That's a legacy from the original DCB MPGuino code.

Going to test the code fixes tonight, and will post the corrected code once verification is complete.
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