Happy flippin' 2017, fellow nutters!
It finally warmed up to freezing this morn, so I got off my butt, slapped the wires I made to run to the field connections, and did some brief tests with 36v on the field.
The extra torque/acceleration was nice, but it didn't solve my issue. I finally remembered to watch my battery voltage. It was sagging down to 65v -- where the controller automatically scales back battery current to prevent over-discharging the battery pack. It's set that way from the factory, and nothing much I can (or want to) do about it. This had occurred to me more than once over the past weeks, but, alas, every time I would climb in and boot about, I'd forget to watch the battery voltage. Ooops!
My batteries
should be able to keep up. My guess, followed up with a bit of research points to them being too cold to perform worth crap. That's better than them just sucking really bad.
I will have to consider a battery warmer if I am driving it next winter. Or at least insulation.
Not much for it at the moment. I either need warmer batteries, or the second half of my battery pack in there to make up for the lack. I'm just about ready to start in on that anyway...