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Old 01-06-2017, 04:50 PM   #209 (permalink)
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This is the sort of thing we were hoping to research,understand,rather than just be a parts-changer.
Thanks again!
That's the spirit. It reminds me of trying to keep Type III fuel injection working after the heat sensor went unobtainium.

Some electrolytic caps are cylinders with an X embossed in the top. The is a safety valve so they erupt instead of exploding. Also check for scorch marks, bulging, &etc.

Oscilloscopes are cool. When you zoom in on a square wave and start seeing details emerge it's like a fractal.

I'm a fan of the AvE Youtube channel. While he's mostly a machinist he did a video recently where he wanted to make an LED blink and he just started throwing components on a breadboard and explaining how each one got him closer until it worked.

Scroll down the list and see what you think. In the BOLTR series he tears down power tools and demonstrates knowledge of machining, circuit board design, molded plastics, nutrition, history — it's amazing.

Edit: I watched it again and the LED doesn't blink, it throbs. But there is important information on why capacitors have two different length leads.

Apologies in advance for the outro, it's a play on a Canadianism 'keep your stick on the ice'.

Last edited by freebeard; 01-06-2017 at 05:05 PM..
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