Instead of cluttering another thread I thought that it would be wise to start a fresh one.
Basically I saw this video and started thinking:
Would replacing lead acid battery with super capacitors have any effect on fuel economy? The alternator would not spend so much time charging your battery. Because the lead acid battery drains itself and requires the alternator to work to recharge it. The capacitors will also drain but they can be recharged even with flashlight batteries (to give you a couple of cranks).
One could wire a very small lead acid battery which would provide a few weeks time between uses if not every day commute. This would be the equivalent of having a lithium ion battery pack. Lightweight, can deliver as many amps but does not have as many Ah.
Lighter (probably no gains what so ever).
Can deliver high amps
May be longer lasting than a lead acid battery
Untested technology
Has only sufficient charge for a couple of cranks
My main question is, will it confuse the newer battery charging algorithms on the newer cars.