What do you get for your $123,000,000 ?
Why, this of course...
Don't waste your time watching all 21 minutes and 46 seconds of the whole thing... the last 12 seconds will suffice.
Thinking about it... The main reason I can think of for why he always wanted to maintain control VS a pool of investors would be that investors could revolt and remove him from control so that something would actually get done. So instead, he maintains control and can just piss the $$$ away willy nilly and stall for time to do more of the same. Later he would say... "well, I tried" And surely there will probably be wails of outrage and demand for fraud charges... Who knows what kind of luck he'd have with that... so far luck seems to be with him.
Southeast Michigan Dark Side Rider
4 Honda Reflex scooters & PS250 Big Ruckus
Originator of the "Darkside" Honda Reflex.
"Yeah dude, that IS a car tire there on the back of my scooter."
Sometimes I'm so far outside of the box, the Hubble telescope can't find me
Last edited by stiletto2; 01-09-2017 at 08:40 PM..