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Old 01-11-2017, 11:10 PM   #51 (permalink)
Michael Moore
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Originally Posted by freethink View Post
Not sure what you mean by that. I don't think you'll find much of any gimmicks on GP bikes..
Maybe not so much now as in the past, but motorcycle road racing has seen a lot , if not a preponderance at times, of bikes out on the track with pretty suspect bodywork. Remember, international and national level racing is a promotional thing for the mfgrs, and they have a lot invested in keeping the racers looking like the street bikes in the showroom (and vice versa).

Some teams have clearly spent time in wind tunnels and paid attention to what they learned. Others, not so much.

CoClimber, are you in a production class where you have to retain the stock fuel tank and other body parts? If not, then ditch the tank and make a small 1 quart tank that lets you lower your upper body as much as you can.


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