Originally Posted by adamj12b
Hello Mike,
I plan to finish the controller, but until I get the car done, I dont expect to finish the controller. Without the car, I dont have any way to really test it.
The bigger controller is pretty much designed. A few tweeks are needed to finish it.
The big controller is a beast. about 20lbs of bus plates, 2 SBE ring caps and 6 IGBT modules in 2 banks of 3, with some current balancing circuitry and 2 current sensors.
I was suppose to be building a version of it good for 3300A, but that is on hold currently as the client and I are working on some other things first. Maybe this summer.
Excellent! Thats what I like to hear... More power!
I started my own controller design some time ago using 200V ISOTOP MOSFETs but it is really just a prototype for getting the control side of it running, as the end goal is IGBTs and SBEs.
I want to be able to run a 300V+ pack and limit motor voltage in software like the Soliton did. Thereby trading volts for amps.
Keep up the good work. I'd be interested in seeing some photos or drawings of the beast.