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Old 01-16-2017, 01:10 PM   #34 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
I am Meelis, I have planned lately that I publish my GIT repository and/or maybe we can merge our codes. Seems that you are already taking features from my code and implementing them to your version. I dont mind, my plan was to suggest merging anyway
Hello, Meelis! You've been an inspiration to me. Glad we're on the same page.

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
I dont know how much you use my code, but at least you use some of features I added (referencing them "via Meelis11").
I can say that if you implement all features to your code, them maybe I can ditch mine and there is only one code
Your code seem so low level so I am not sure that I can contribute (assembler and low level pure C)
Yah, I have been able to implement some features, but up until I started working with skybolt, I never had direct access to your code. You appear to have grafted your modifications onto the existing 0.86 DCB code, and my own code is almost a complete re-write. I think that there are a few text strings from the DCB code that are still there.

The code itself is a bit complex, but I have also been trying to make it easier to understand with re-arranging data structures and with inserting these strange things into the code, that begin with a "// ". I think they're called "comments..."

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
How many mpguino code "forks" are out there that can be downloaded? (different versions from different people) that are worth considering (not just custom features for persons own use)
They should be added to wiki.

Too bad that I cannot test your code right now, because I have run out all atmega328 chips at the moment, only one is in my car, my arduino is chipless
I am checking your source code and reading what features you have implemented - feature list is really inspiring!
Glad you like the list! I am trying to figure out how to add the "idle" and "EOC" auto-select screens that your code has. That's a real nice feature.

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
Some questions:

1) are you using some kind of repository for version tracking? If not, then please start using GIT (github or bitbucket, I am using
I work on this code from several different locations. One of them does not allow access to GitHub.

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
2) why are you keeping all sourcecode in one file?
It's easier for me to search for locations within the program, if I need to make a code fix or modification.

I am trying to re-arrange the code so that it will be easy to split apart into modules. This is a long-term issue that I am keeping in the back of my mind.

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
3) How do you compile and upload code to mpguino? do I need to compile it using avr-gcc and use programmer and avrdude, or does copy-paste to arduino IDE and upload using arduino work?
At least it seems to compile in arduino IDE, but gives one warning
"WARNING: Category '' in library OneWire is not valid. Setting to 'Uncategorized'"
Like I said, I cannot test uploading (no atmega chips)
I edit the code with a program named "TextPad," and copy/paste it into an Arduino IDE. From there, I program whatever platform I am testing the code on.

Not sure what this OneWire error is - I've never seen it. I try not to use any Arduino-specific library functions. They are great for tinkering, but I would rather optimize for speed, and those Arduino libraries are not optimized for speed.

Currently, I have a AtMega2560 test platform, a TinkerKit! LCD module test platform, and a JellyBeanDriver MPGuino test platform. I also have one of your MPGuinos, that I bought off another member, but I have not yet started testing on it.

Originally Posted by meelis11 View Post
keep up good work!
Thanks again!
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