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Old 01-17-2017, 02:25 PM   #2972 (permalink)
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You can't do the PI test with a resistive load, because the P and I values are related to the inductance and resistance of the stator coil. I would get maybe 48v, and then do

and see what happens. A better way is to measure the stator resistance, and then use the following formula:

ki = 2000*3.14159*STATOR_RESISTANCE*CURRENT_SENSOR*192* 1702/(BUS_VOLTAGE*2048*10000)

For "CURRENT_SENSOR", you would use 100 if you are using a LEM Hass 100-s. This number is how many amps per 0.625 volts change in the current sensor.
So, if you are using a LEM Hass 50-s, it would be 50, a LEM Hass 300-s, you would use 300, etc... Tamura is the same way. However many amps per 0.625v is what you use.

Then, you could try Kp = 62*Ki all the way up to Kp = 100*Ki. To see what works best, you would type:


To see the actual convergence.
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