Progress so far
Smoothed out the needless sculptural stylings on the front, extended the fairing backward. Still want to add another layer or two for strength, making a notch for the windshield had the benefit of additional support for the extensions.
The area near the controls will be cut back as necessary to eliminate interference during steering.
I think it is an interesting form factor to have the fairing extend further back than the windshield- I see it as a puzzle piece fit relative to the shape of a head and shoulders.
So the next question I need to resolve is air intake shape/size. I think my intake is too large, and need to figure out the appropriate adjustment. If you look at a motoGP bike, the port is arguably smaller than mine in area, and flowing enough to support nearly twice the HP. As to shape, I am puzzling if there is any point to creating an "ideal" intake shape (flattened oval at the high pressure tip of the bodywork) if within the next 8 inches, the air intake is going into the frame as a square that divides in half around the steering stem and then rejoins behind before entering the airbox- better to just emulate that square so the air contorts as little as possible on its travels?
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