Originally Posted by MPaulHolmes
Sorry for the delay, I missed this message.
run-rotor-test did nothing?! It does take a long time to run, but yes, you are looking for best acceleration. 50-60 sounds reasonable. There is a range of values that work best. Big motors tend to be in the 25-80 range. 50-60 is fine. There is a way to compute the rotor time constant involving the stator inductance/resistance and mutual inductance, but the true value is going to be in the range of 50-60 anyway. All this is doing is figuring out what causes the best acceleration, so the "true" value isn't going to be better. Also, the true value varies a little bit with temperature, so you could compute 55, but while driving it will vary some anyway.
Yikes, -35degC is ridiculous. I've never been in anything like that!
Yes, i was waiting for it for 10 minutes, I could not notice it doing anything. I tried a couple of times.
Now i am working again, will be on tour for 4 months, no time to play with my electric car.
If any one is interested in the reverse function. I will try the diff utility in MPLABX and post the result.