Thread: My ML350 2003
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Old 01-21-2017, 02:28 PM   #5 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by teoman View Post
Will water injection play nice with LPG?
LPG is already quite cold, at least when it's aspirated in a liquid phase. IIRC most of the LPG conversions require the vehicle to start on gasoline and then switch to LPG when there is enough heat in the coolant to exchange with the LPG at the vaporizer.

I can spray the radiator with water to reduce the need for the fan as it can suck quite a bit of energy when it is activated.
Are you sure a water spraying would be so much less energy-intensive than a regular electric fan? There is also the weight of a water tank, pump and nozzles. Even though it's already used in a handful of high-performance applications such as hill-climbing vehicles that run at Pikes Peak, I'm not sure if it would be a good idea into a regular road-going vehicle.

Hot air intake, would that have any negative effect on using it with LPG?
A warm air intake is unlikely to have negative effects with LPG. BTW some earlier dedicated-ethanol vehicles in my country had an adjustable air intake which allowed a more precise temperature trimming from a colder intake to use in summer to a warmer one more suitable to use during winter in order to prevent carburettor icing. Pretty much the same feature is still used in small piston-powered aircraft.
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