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Old 08-14-2008, 06:29 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Alternative for alternator.

First of all: What will removing the alternater doing for FE?

I was thinking of removing the alternator and install something else. I've seen someone with 2 accu's and a solar pannel. But i think that's not efficient enough. Also got an garage so... no sun there

Than i thought. What's in the car that's useless... heat Now we get rid of the heat whit the radiator in front. But we also could use that heat. Heat equals energie. So i thought again (not getting an headake) about somethink like a sterling engine. I know sterling engine will only get 50% of the Carnot-Faktor but could it be enough for an alternator.

Also the heat from the exhaust could be used .

Good thing is that is don't have an A/C. Bad thing is that i always hear music

But were to find a small sterling engine?

For testing i thougt about to let the radio run fisrt on the stering and when that's doing good i will use it for the whole car.

Someone did this before? Or someone have an other idea how to use the heat for making power?

/edit somebody tried something whit a Thermogenerator? Just peltier-elements the other way. It's called Seebeck-Effect. Transforming heat to energie. But don't know if i simple can use Peltier-elements.

NOW INTERACTIVE! Joystick controls Fry's left ear.

Last edited by Roman; 08-14-2008 at 07:43 AM..
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