Originally Posted by tasdrouille
I would absolutely LOVE to see someone take an old wheel and pump the tire till it bursts. What I read in the past lead me to believe it would not burst below 150 psi.
Anyone got an old wheel in his backyard, a compressor with a pretty long hose, and some place to take cover? (That could turn into a redneck's "watch this" so play it safe)
If anyone does this, I would suggest they record the tire size and design, the load and inflation information on the sidewall of the tire, plus the DOT number - and pay close attention to the date coding. I've seen very old tires (I'm talking decades old) come apart at 35 psi.
Also, I would suggest anyone who does this view some of the Youtube videos where others have burst tires to get a feel about how violent a tire burst can be.