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Old 01-29-2017, 11:47 PM   #60 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by josemapiro View Post
My idea was to have something simple and practical, like pushing a button and continuing the trip.
The current system though does the same is not practical.
I'll add it in, but it won't be a priority.

However, I do have some good news - My code now is able to use the TWI as an output interface. I have it using a SainSmart 2x16 LCD module for now for testing, but I hope to have that Adafruit RGB LCD shield fully functioning by the time the week is out. After that... a TFT interface? Why not?

I lifted the TWI code from the twi.c code that was part of the Arduino Wire library, and have cleaned up extensively and modified for use with the code. I hope to have it be able to support buffered output very soon. Yes, TWI is itself buffered, but it acts in practice as an extra digital input/output port, with all of the timing constraints and pin manipulation requirements, so I still have to do all of the port manipulations that I did with the original legacy 16x2 LCD module.

I also plan to try to implement LCD brightness over TWI that isn't either off or eyeball-scorching on.

Terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License, which covers the twi.c library

Last edited by t vago; 01-30-2017 at 06:48 AM..
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