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Old 01-31-2017, 01:50 PM   #15 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
cRiPpLe_rOoStEr's Avatar
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Though I'm highly unfavorable to the engine displacement-biased taxation system enforced in my country, I do believe some measure that would be deemed quite "extreme" by a bunch of V8-loving rednecks are the only realistic way to achieve higher fuel-efficiency standars. For example, why nearly everyone else in the world is still allowed to buy a forward-control van about one inch narrower and just a few inches longer than a Corolla that can actually perform the very same duties an American small business owner is forced to get a gas-guzzling V6 or V8 boat anchor to perform? Considering that foreign automakers actually set factories in America when the domestic ones were flying to Canada and Mexico, it would seem more reasonable to allow those companies to offer some of their higher-efficiency products already available not just to overseas markets but also in Mexico. Japan has a taxation system that sounds quite smart to me, since it's based on vehicles' external dimensions and then leads to some optimization of the internal layout.
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