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At what temperature does gasoline vaporize?
What kind of heat would have to be applied to a closed circut container to vaporize the gasoline inside?
I'm an amature MAD scientist
Update: OK I'll spill. Gasoline carburetors are about 30% effficient. A gasoline engine CANNOT burn a liquid fuel. The carb turns the fuel into a spray, tiny droplets that do ignite but ver ineffeiciently. That why all the smog pump carp. To reburn what passed through. These are called hydrocarbons. OK back to the spill. If the gasoline can be turned from a liquid gas into a true vapor, which is MUCH more explosive than liquid gas, it will burn at 100%. The result of that is a shocking improvement in fuel mileage. Carbs have been built. IN 1936 Charles Pogue built one that milled out an amazing 200 mpg. Interestingly enough his shot misteriously burned down after he refused to sell it to an oil company. Its no secret though. The plans still exsist. You can find sketches on line. There are three types. heat, cold and electric vaporization. All of which improve mileage from 30 to 100%... a V8 that gets 60-80 mpg? its already been done.
fuel boils between 104-401F and from what I've read it vaporizes at 450F, and will self ignite at 460-572F. i have also read up on this and am currently thinking of building my own vapor carb, mainly because i am getting around 10 mpg on my old school carb.I'm going to start testing at 50F to see how the gas reacts and take it farther from there. i also thought about using water. the engine will only get you to 250F before it over heats if it hasn't done so by that point, but it might work. so i will see how far i can get with other methods. from what I've read we can't sell what we invent so if i find a way to get it off the ground I'll use it on my own vehicle and share the proven facts with others. just remember that the vapors are really explosive, you don't want to miss calculate and blow up your test facility. also to get 100mpg i saw something that says you would need an air/fuel mix of around 75-1.
The flash point of diesel fuel is 100 deg. F. for type 1-D fuel. And 125 deg. F. for type 2-D fuel. And 130 deg. F for type 4-D fuel.