Originally Posted by me and my metro
Rooster: here is a vectra b in Saturn skin. Sold here as a lw200 with a 4 cylinder and a lw300 with a v-6
The only real Saturns (not the rebadged Opels) that I have ever seen were older S-Series privately imported in the early '90s, so I can't tell you if I like the looks of the L-Series more than I liked the Vectra. But anyway, unless I move to another country where used car imports are not so restricted as they are in Brazil, I doubt there will remain any L-Series once they reach the 30-year deadline that allows for import of used cars as collectors' items. BTW is the V6 a High-Value?
Originally Posted by freebeard
If you look under Products you'll find fiber, fabric, mesh and rebar. It deforms like metal instead of shattering like carbon fiber (according to them).
As long as it could lead to an easier detection of material fatigue and easier repairability than carbon fiber, sounds like it would become a great option for aircraft.
What do you think of the front and rear suspensions on the flat-pack floorpan?
It doesn't look so much more complex. Is there any great improvement over the setup used in the later Beetles that I missed?