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Old 02-06-2017, 12:09 PM   #42 (permalink)
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Going back to the first page where I said:

Originally Posted by kach22i View Post
So there you go, my concept deals with plan view sweeps and curves to cup or deflect the air flow and air pressure. Coupled with top edge and corner treatment of spoiler shapes, undulating/wavy/curved/serrated and so forth.
I wanted to get these ideas down in graphic form before I forget I had the idea.

Scheme-1 can have similar variations to the schemes which follow it; that is to say with the middle part extending or the rear corners extending. Five schemes outta cover most of the intent. Go back to the hovercraft splitter and whale fin for further variations of the edge textures.

These schemes more or less just explore the basic overall shapes I would look at if I have the time, money and facilities. I would also need the help of someone that knows how to measure the differences and conduct the testing.

I did roughly pencil in the possible vortexes coming off the back because the straight across, concave and convex rear spoilers will most likely be engaging these forces. They might roll upward, scoop up and disrupt/split, or deflect off these swirls in that order respectively. I have no idea which way is best at the moment. Our past forum discussion leads me to believe that the best we can do is delay the onset. And none of these five schemes even pretends to do that. We would have to look at a design with long and tall vertical fins for that if I'm not mistaken.

Question is which monster would you choose to tackle first, filling out the template (orange dotted area) or taming the vortexes? That is for future studies to consider I suppose.

Aerodynamics by George Kachadoorian | Photobucket

That last scheme #5 is supposed to look more flat and horizontal like in the section to the right of it. I just ran out of room on the sheet of paper. If you go back to the Porsche 911 examples, it would more like the later Teatray/Whaletail type and not the earlier Ducktail type.

There you have it, besides the various textures and little waves, we have in elevation straight top edges, arcing top edges, dipping top edges.

These are in any combination with plan views of straight across spoilers, concave and convex.

This cascade of alternates is the product of trying to look at this in 3D, and not strictly in a linear or orthometric/orthogonal way.

Looking at my own work on screen now, these shapes as a collection look as if they were taken off some primitive looking dinosaurs.
Architect, Artist and Designer of Objects

2012 Infiniti G37X Coupe
1977 Porsche 911s Targa
1998 Chevy S-10 Pick-Up truck
1989 Scat II HP Hovercraft

You cannot sell aerodynamics in a can............

Last edited by kach22i; 02-06-2017 at 04:00 PM..
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