Originally Posted by racprops
My understanding is because the Gasoline engine has a throttle and creates vacuum, the vacuum IS the pumping loses.
So only if we could lose the throttle plates and control the engines RPMs and power with JUST the fuel like a diesel, BUT then all the vacuum controls and brake boosters would not work.
And then we would have top add a vacuum pump for them.
I had a friend whom did a vew gas to diesel conversions and had to add a vacuum pump.
This is a problem on my car at light load and running around 1 to 2 psi in lean burn. If I let off the gas and coast it takes me a awhile to get back into my lean burn 1psi+ part of the map. So I usually just touch the breaks to slow down for traffic while keeping the same amount of gas pedal input, but after a few times I lose my vacuum in my break booster. So I added a vacuum pump on a switch to instantly get my vacuum back to the break booster.
Sorry the pic is kinda dark?