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Old 02-09-2017, 08:20 AM   #21 (permalink)
EcoModding Lurker
Join Date: Feb 2017
Location: Missouri
Posts: 44

The pig - '99 Dodge Ram 3500 Slt
90 day: 11.99 mpg (US)

The ST - '93 Honda ST1100
90 day: 38.68 mpg (US)
Thanks: 4
Thanked 12 Times in 6 Posts
Originally Posted by gumby79 View Post
Can the welder be oriented side to side ,or is it too big? If it is to big use this template to re form your shape.

You stated that the welder is taller than normal to clear the gooseneck ball. Do you tow GN?
At first the wideband O2will teachyou when the computer is programed to do things like enrichment. You will see at what (") of goes rich. It may also go off how fast the needle moves. Your best mpg will b the result of maintaining the highest average vac. and the highest possible vac to maintain speed . The 2nd part is adjusting the throttle ever so slightly to account for even the smallest changes in grade.
OP questioned wether or not a 1ton was nessasary.
It sounds like a 1ton may be almost light duity for the lashings you give it . 3000lbs in the bed for welding gear on bord. And you leave home what you can! So this means that its probably closer to 4000lbs on bord +travel trailer. You have not stated any info on theTT just gussing from the TT in the pic . AC normally centered on TT so about 22' at 250/foot =5500lbs + gear. At 10% tongue weight thats at least 4550lbs load+ truck on thr rear axel without weight distribution system. The full of fule rear axle weight would have to be under 2500lbs for single wheel stock 245/75R16 are 3200ish lbs each.
Never guess with safety always scale the rig . Find out how much things change with and without trailer you could find that 550lbs tongue is closer ot 900lbs on the tires with weight transfer off the front.
Free spin hub kit. You have a center disconnect stock but everything is still spinning and that will burn fule. Just make shure to put it in 4x4 atleast one a month to keep the berings rotated and lubed.
Synthetic everything

the 3000 lbs is an over estimate. i know the welder alone is 1500lbs, the bed frame that came with it is something like 2"x6" thick wall square steel. too much really for what its needed for. and it weighs a lot in itself. often times 50 lbs of rod, 100 lbs of cables, and tools i never weighed. plus boxes.

my trailer is a 30' bumper pull. 8000 lbs empty, 10,000 weight rating. i haven't measured the tongue weight but the manual says 1000 lbs. i do use a weight distributing hitch when towing.

when empty the truck squats maybe an inch. with the welder as well maybe half that... the overload springs really come into play there.

anyway. i don't have any gooseneck trailers. and the previous owner had a ball in his bed and built the frame around it. which just fits into any 8' bed. i put it in there when i bought the welder, then used it to build some corrals while the winter was hindering jobs. then i got a deal working inside for decent wage and am rather comfortable, but not making anywhere near as much welding pipe... but i am pretty comfortable working in a climate controlled facility... so...

currently the welder is sitting at home. ill go down there as soon as i get a day off. do some measurements of the welder and gear so i can get a better idea of what i want to do. I'm pretty sure it will fit transverse in the bed. i see quite a few of the same welder mounted that way in other rigs.

i like the gull wing idea. my first thoughts where to have a hinge mount at the top of the cab and tilt up. but you would have to open it pretty far to reach the controls as well as allow sufficient airflow for cooling. i do want to build a rod oven using the coolant from the welder. but thats another deal....

I'm going to go pick up all synthetic lubes today while I'm in town. i gotta get groceries anyway. fridge has been empty for a few days now...

so here is some pictures. the grille block i promised the other day. not much other than cardboard cut out, wrapped with duct tape and zip tied on.

and my dash app.

the large left is inst mpg, smaller left is average and small left lower is over what the big instant reads. never goes over 25mpg...

and large right is ign timing, smaller is "vacuum", actually throttle position. and small lower right is calculated load. and small upper middle is coolant temp.

this alone has helped with economy. for reasons unknown there is no inst eco in the overhead console, only avg. and since its been under 30 most mornings my economy hasn't been great. i do have some oil pan heaters ordered. i figure one for the engine and one for the transmission. would definitely help with my imagining no oil in the bearings and lifters when its cold...

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"20+ from a gas one ton!? INCONCEIVABLE!!!"

-Every other forum i tried to state my intents...

Total spent on mods. :$440($200 was oil. So take it or leave it)
Total returned from 10mpg baseline :$167
miles since i started ecomodding :3315 miles

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