Yes. My plan is to move as much weight as i can towards the front as possible. Im a bit of a suspension nut and like balance and ride comfort as much as handling. With the current lay out the welder and tanks sits right on the rear axle. And all the cable and work table are by the tailgate. I want to get reels for the cables. To sit as close to the transverse mounted welder as possible. Oxy tank at an angle behind the welder/under the cable reels. And acet tank somewhere around there that seems fit.
Im all about even distribution. The ride when the welder was in is rather wallowey around back. Not quite like a porsche. But still not even.
Im not against putting the weld equiptment in a trailer and using a car. But, from the math i can do. That may be more expensive to find a decent charger and get a trailer. And i wouldnt be able to move the camper at a whim. Ive seen enough issues dealing with movers to not even bother. You want something done right do it yourself. Im the type that never goes to a mechanic. I aint payin $100hr for some bleh to tell me my vehicle is garbage and needs everything replaced.
I folded in my sideview mirrors today. You dont realize how awesome they are untill your turning your head every 5 seconds. I was thinking i could get some of those bubble stick on mirrors to attach to the side of the mirror so i could still see behind. But they dont fold in enough to be able to.
Perhaps some convex mirrors set inside will do the trick.
I was sitting here thinking last night about getting some anti stiction oil and putting a dose of that everywhere i can find. Ive heard of it used in motorcycle forks and works a charm.
I looked it up and found that yes, they do make such oil for diesel engines to free up injectors. But its $25 a quart. But aparently a few ounces can do wonders for smoothing out cylinder walls and lifter bores. If i could slip some of that in the transmission/tcase and differental and see some improvements it might be worth it. I guess its worth a try for science's sake. Maybe even the powersteering system as well. Surely it wont harm any of the seals in other bits as its fluid designed for use in engine oil.
Ill put a tally of $'s spent vs $'s saved against my baseline of 10 mpg in my signiture. Of course its more about driver training rather than mechanical modifications. So far on this tank ive been averaging almost 11. Perhaps the grill block is helping some. Maybe a half mile right now. Then again i wont know for sure until i fill up again and do some calculator math.
Oh. And im allready way ahead of ya. Got bilstiens picked out allready. Once i put bilstiens on my jeep a few years ago i was amazed by the ride improvement over the oem style shocks.
And ill get new tires when these are throwing wires on the fenders. (Im not that bad, but you get the point.)
"20+ from a gas one ton!? INCONCEIVABLE!!!"
-Every other forum i tried to state my intents...
Total spent on mods. :$440($200 was oil. So take it or leave it)
Total returned from 10mpg baseline :$167 
miles since i started ecomodding :3315 miles