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Old 02-13-2017, 03:58 AM   #367 (permalink)
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I have laid a solid groundwork for a basic system.

Originally Posted by racprops View Post
Here is the thing:

I am trying to make a vapor device that can be bought reasonably and installed on many cars.

You keep pushing a super high tech system that NO ONE here can afford.

One that could be years in the future and with electric cars doing so well may NEVER be made.

Same for the VW super MPG cars....

I really think it can work, all my experience and background with cars says it can.

Too bad no one here is any help.

Save up for your Supercritial fueled car, I will get a Tesla or a Bolt.

You can create a basic vaporizer and inject this fuel into the intake ports and combust the mix in the engine. You don't need a fancy system. Just look at a Coleman Camp stove for your inspiration. I have no doubt you can do this. You will achieve far less than the 50 percent thermal efficiency gains Transonic did with it's vastly more sophisticated approach to the problem. You think you will be able to do better. That is your opinion. Mine is not an opinion. It is based on the realities of the problem at hand. You think you cannot sell a system that only provides 20-30% TE gain. Does your automotive background allow you to perform market research with authority? If not, pay someone to do so , so as not to waste your time and resources.

If you want engineering help, don't ask for it on this forum. I do consulting work. I charge 375 USD per hour. And I'm reasonable compared to other consultants of my ilk. I have an engineering degree and a license from the state of California to conduct my work. I won't do your engineering for free. Go pay for one or educate yourself on the subject matter - and you have chosen a complex field of study.

Why don't you just do a simple vapor phase test? Take a liter of gasoline, bubble hot EGR through the container without air. This makes the vapors non combustible. Most of the gasoline will evaporate at this temperature. Run the vapors into your engine. The O2 sensor will pickup the rich mix and will adjust accordingly. Test your fuel economy by measuring the fuel used from your injection system, bubble vaporizer and what remains un-evaporated in your bubbler. This gives you the total fuel used to travel the given miles. Make any tuning adjustments you need to make. See if you gain your 100% TE. This will give you a quick and easy test to see if you have ANY VALID SCIENCE BASIS for moving forward. It doesn't matter that a small fraction of the long C14 carbon chains don't evaporate, you can account for it by measuring the mass left in the bubbler.

I'm just trying to save you a bunch of heart ache and frustration. But I'm also not going to do a bunch of calculations that honesty, are quite trivial in the light of things that need much more thought. Since you don't value my help when it's free, maybe you'll value my help if I charge you 375$ per hour?
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