My favorite eco road was also in CND. Driving west from Derby, VT to the Tousand Islands involves mucking about through Montreal, but the actual highway parts (especially the 401) are low stress and flow smoothly. In my pre-hypermiling days, that run was the only time I ever got a 25 mpg (and the not believed by the tuner kidz 400+ mile) tank. Sadly, the Columbo wannabe high school dropouts working our border made that run more annoying than it was worth and I don't use CND as a shortcut any more.
Originally Posted by MetroMPG
I was going to make a comment along the lines of YKYAEM when... you are careful not to make any moves that suggest you're planning to cross the street until AFTER the solitary approaching car goes past.  I've actually done that around here.
A pedestrian can come to a dead stop simply by failing to put one foot in front of the other- and it takes negligible time and effort. The pedestrian is back up to top speed the moment he again places one foot in front of the other. Bringing a car to a stop, OTOH, requires planning, effort, expending a little brake life and total loss of all that lovely kinetic enregy.