Originally Posted by sendler
Crude oil will pass peak and start getting more and more expensive. We will have done not enough to replace it or our obsolete economic paradigm and be caught in an energy trap where it is too expensive to do anything about it.
I think the problem is that we've hit the "easy oil" peak already. The aftershocks from 2008 prove this... shale oil and other alternatives have a built-in inflexibility in the cost of prospecting and extraction that is at odds with what the global economy can afford at this point.
We'll only get a clearer picture when the cheap oil glut created by the previous Saudi oil minister's decision to dump oil two years back clears up. Then we can see what the market can really afford.
Originally Posted by cRiPpLe_rOoStEr
What has set America back were those policies that favored SUVs and larger minivans classified as "light trucks" in order to bypass emissions and fuel-efficiency standards. And then, some safety standards implemented by NHTSA seem quite likely to have been set to eliminate competition from the Japanese automakers and their forward-control vans.
Protectionist policies like that have virtually ensured that no American made car is competitive outside the home market. Not unless it's an American-branded car that's actually designed and built outside the USA.