I think people greatest fear is that the car won't restart for some reason. Even a perfectly good car may have shift or brake interlocks that could confuse you in the hurried, startled moments of, oh crap! It's time to move! Or that after that you end up only making it back to reverse instead of drive and back in to the car behind you. I'm sure all of these things have happened to a great many people (although never myself, my cars just wouldn't restart because they are pieces of junk). It's one thing when the problem or confusion happens along the curb or in your driveway, quite another when there are 20 angry people behind you waiting for you to figure it out.
What would help was some kind of countdown. The crosswalk sign sometimes helps but not always changes on "0", and not always is it your turn to go, and sometimes you can't see it. Also you may not know if this is a 20 sec light or a 2 min light.