Originally Posted by Mr. Pancake
What's funny is that, in the videos I've seen, many of the cars in the video look like they have to be cold war era. How they've survived this long is amazing.
They are at majority Vaz 210X-series cars
VAZ/Lada 2104
VAZ/Lada 2105
VAZ/Lada 2107
The RWD VAZ 210X/"Lada riva" platform was/is the third best-selling automobile platform in the world after the Volkswagen Beetle and the Ford Model T, so it's pretty evident that they won't run out in a while.
And the General motors-fuel-injection-system model 2107 was produced in Russia until 2008. So there's plenty of newer cars rolling about
There is a absolute S**tload of them, but here in finland we got rid of them after the cold war, sold thousands of them back to Russia. So we could buy more Western cars- That don't last as well :/
They still produce these in Egypt.
I SO want one to be ecomodded

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