Thread: VSS problem
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Old 02-22-2017, 02:23 PM   #16 (permalink)
t vago
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Originally Posted by ECONORAM View Post
So, as an end user of an MPGuino, am I able to load your updated code myself tvago, or do I need some sort of gizmo to help me do that? Or do I just buy a new preloaded chip? Mine is a meelis version...
[edit] will your new code read signals from the ABS or something like the Dodge output speed sensor? The OSS has about 33,000 counts/mile. I couldn't get that to work with my first MPGuino. Don't know if that's because it was a 5v signal, or because it was above the VSS limit...
The original MPGuino code appears to have a upper speed limit that is due to the amount of time required to transfer all of the raw speed/injector data from the raw measurement trip variable to the instant trip variable. While small, this amount of time was large enough to interfere with intercepting VSS pulses as they occurred. My code bypasses that rather easily. There's a member in London (whom I haven't heard back from in a while, though) who is using his ABS speed sensor with MPGuino, with something like 100K pulses/mile, and he's reported that my code works well for him.

My code should read from your ABS speed sensor. I am going to install an MPGuino into both my Dakota and my Durango, later on this year, to replace the overhead trip computer that I never really liked all that much. I was considering using the VSS output signal from the ABS CAB module, but reading directly off the output speed sensor, on the rear end, might be more accurate.

As for your inquiry? I could send you a replacement chip with my code programmed into it. PM me if you're interested.
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