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Old 02-23-2017, 01:38 PM   #91 (permalink)
It's all about Diesel
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Originally Posted by t vago View Post
From reading the multi-page thread about vapor carbs, I have hypothesized that the main benefit from the WAI is its ability to cause the gasoline to vaporize more readily. The gasoline vaporizes when its vapor pressure reaches that of the surrounding air, and the vapor pressure is of course dependent on the gasoline temperature. Now, when you spray a mist of gasoline into a mass of warm air, its temperature will quickly rise to that of the surrounding air, and as it does, the gasoline's vapor pressure will also rise to the point where it will vaporize. This raises the pressure of all of what's actually being sucked into each cylinder, causing the engine to work a bit less at drawing in the air/fuel mixture than it would otherwise.
Sure, but then there is always some point when adding heat to the intake stream would require a richer mixture in order to overcome the knocks. No wonder carburettor-fed aircraft and some earlier dedicated-ethanol trucks from my country have an adjustable air box in order to allow a more accurate temperature control.

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