Originally Posted by ProDigit
10W30 motor oil is your standard oil.
5W40 or 5W30 (or 5W20) have friction modifiers in them, that will cause clutch slip (for a wet clutch), and wear out the gearbox much faster.
For reference, a Kawasaki gearbox really needs 80W120, while it's engine probably runs best with 0W20-5W30.
I would recommend sticking with Honda GN4.
I personally mix it with 10-15% 10W30 car oil. No biggie. Works wonders.
If you like GN4, you should try Rotella T5 10W-30 synthetic blend. It's a much better oil based on UOA tests, and doesn't have modifiers.
Standard automotive 10W-30 may have modifiers, you would have to check the API "Donut" for "Energy Conserving" at the bottom. If it says that, it's got modifiers.