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Old 03-02-2017, 06:48 AM   #15 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by teoman View Post
Great work. I am curious how the newer cars like 2010+ VW's would react to this.

I think my 2003 mb would benefit from this.

Ps: i was asking for a picture of your implementation and what gauge wires you have used.
Hi Teoman
I usually use the same gauge wires as the ones I tap into. For if there is an accidental short circuit, the wires doesn't burn before the fuse will blow.

I think I forgot to mention before that the sense input wire running from the battery or voltage monitor point into the alternator is cut and HER508 diode is added in between.
Actually all the components is on PCB inside above driver feet and wires is run from the cut sense wire in engine compartment. I also used a wire with ignition voltage that was close to circuit. The break pedal voltage is also close by.

I see a lot of alternators doesn't have a sense input, but have a D+ output going to the battery charge indicator light on display panel.

If yours is like that do exactly the same as if alternator had a sense input. Just connect it to D+ instead of Sense input. The circuit will generate a voltage higher than battery voltage and "fool" the regulator on the D+ line to switch off the alternator. The alternator will charge at normal charging voltage during "regenerative breaking" and not a higher voltage like alternator with Sense input. This is due to internal alternator circuits.

I haven't tested it on an alternator without Sense input, but from what I can see from circuit diagrams of alternators with D+, it should work perfectly.

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