Threshold speed for stale red light
Every time I cruise up to a stale red light, I try to brake a bit early, allowing me to drive slowly, so that when it turns green, I'm still driving 5-20 MPH. If I stay off the brakes altogether, I find often that I have to brake hard at the last minute, which then brings my speed to (near) zero.
Is there a chart for how much energy you save, by not having to start your car from a full stop? I can only assume that the faster you are going, the less energy it would take. But is there a point that I definitely want to avoid--say, 5 MPH, or 15 MPH--at which point, there is little benefit to cruising at that speed, over starting from a full stop? If I knew what speed was my minimum, I would be better able to time my braking (or not brake).
Sorry if this isn't clear. I can explain in more detail if I need to.