Originally Posted by Daox
So, you're just saying its not wise financially to buy a hybrid to save money. Weather it is worth it is a different topic. To you it was worth it to spend more money on porting and polishing, lowering springs, and the other mods to have a more fun car that gets worse fuel economy and costs more to drive. Financially, this does not make sense and is not wise. To some here it is worth it to have a car that burns cleaner (or doesn't burn at all), or one that simply uses less fuel because it helps reduce foreign oil dependency. There are many motivations, and if it is 'worth it' is completely subjective. Your own modification is proof of that. I'm not saying you're wrong in how you choose your car or your mods, I'm just saying that weather or not something is worth it is very subjective, and you're taking a very narrow view of why a hybrid is or isn't worth it. Less and less these days is a 'hybrid' going to only be about fuel efficiency and saving money. There are more and more performance hybrids being released by companies. Is it worth it to buy a performance hybrid? Its never worth it to buy a performance car if you're looking to save money. But, they still are popular vehicles.
When I started off in my post on this topic, I did say it was a personal choice based on financial results. I understand that the US Economy is highly dependent on Consumerism. I get it. I totally get it. I was a Sales Rep anyway. I am saying and have reiterated that Hyundai shouldn't be selling it to us here in the third world. This is why both Honda and Toyota has stopped selling Hybrids to us. Even Ford has stopped selling their Focus Diesel. There will be people who buy hybrids for many Value Added reasons. Locally there just isn't enough buyers to maintain having that product line in their catalog. The fault does not lie on the technology. It lies in the marketing of the product targeting people who have more disposable income. Hence that bit of motor journo article that amplifies aesthetics and creature comfort and subjected fuel performance as an after thought. Hyundai should be shipping it out to you guys in the US or China who do have the numbers to support selling high margin products.