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Old 08-15-2008, 10:47 AM   #19 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by Nerys View Post
I would love too but a 230v battery pack is prohibitively expensive and HEAVY.

thats 20 lead acid batteries! (ouch) even if I could find 24v batteries thats still 10 of them.

Unless there is a way to CHEAPLY and EASILY use a lot less than 20 batteries to get 230v ??
Not sure what you're getting at here, batteries are DC and the 230v you keep getting at is the AC power from your generator, and the AC power required by the traction motor. You don't need a 230 VDC bank of batteries to run a 230 VAC generator. You will however need an AC/DC converter to charge the batteries and a DC/AC inverter to power an AC motor, or switch to a DC motor and run it straight through a motor controller.

If you can't afford the parts or don't expect to be able to in the near future then you can plan the project and dream about it, but don't get too excited over it not being exactly what you want.
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